It's Not A Fad: Why You Should Start Choosing Organic Products Today

It's Not A Fad: Why You Should Start Choosing Organic Products Today

Have you grown to accept chemicals and pesticides in your food as a necessary evil of our times? You shouldn't. According to UN food and pollution experts, the idea that pesticides are unavoidable to feed a rising global population is nothing but a myth.

Just last week, a report presented to the UN human right council calls the impact of pesticides on human health and the society "catastrophic." "Chronic exposure to pesticides has been linked to cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, hormone disruption, developmental disorders, and sterility,” states the UN report.

The good news is that consumers began to take notice and change their habits. The organic industry in the UK is booming - total sales of organic increased by 7.1 per cent in 2016 while non-organic sales continue to decline.

"Increasingly, we’re seeing consumers choose organic as a shortcut to a healthy lifestyle" - says Clare McDermott of Soil Association. 

We believe there are no "shortcuts" to lasting health, but changing your lifestyle and including organic products in your diet and wellness routines ticks a lot of boxes: eating better food, knowing where your ingredients come from, avoiding antibiotics and pesticides.

An increasing appreciation of organic products is not a fashion or a fad - it's a sign that we've become more aware as consumers and we're no longer accept products that aren't simply subpar quality - they might be actively harming us! If you haven't bothered with seeking out "organic" labels while shopping for food and wellness products, it's time to rethink your habits. Millions of people worldwide have already made the switch to a more conscious, cleaner shopping - and rightly so! Isn't investing in lasting health the best investment you can make?


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